Public Holidays

payroll enables you to establish public holidays within the system which will then show up on the planner and will be used when calculating leave for employees. There are three types of public holidays that can be established:

  • National holidays - these are displayed in Yellow
  • State/Province holidays - these are displayed in Green
  • Employment Condition Related holidays - these are displayed in Cyan

Accessing Public Holiday data

  1. Go to navigator | Maintain Company Details | Country Definitions.
  2. Click on the required Country node.
  3. Click on the Public Holidays node.
    The Planner will open showing the established National Public Holidays and all State Public Holidays for that country.

Updating Public Holidays Data Tables:

payroll enables you to enter all of the gazetted National and State Public holidays for a year. A downloadable file is included as part of any HR3pay software upgrades you may receive, but if the Public Holidays file is updated, you will be able to access a downloadable file via the internet.

Once this file has been downloaded, the year's National Public Holidays will be included in the Planner and will be used in Leave Calculations for requests from kiosk. You are also able to enter a National Public Holiday manually.

  1. Access Public Holiday data
  2. Click on the Download button .
    The Public Holidays Transfer Wizard will open.
  3. Follow the instructions on the wizard to download the most recent Public Holidays data.

Entering or Editing a Public Holiday:

  1. Access Public Holiday data
  2. Click on the required public holiday to edit it or click on the Add New button to add a new public holiday.
  3. Complete the following information as required:
Field Explanation
Holiday From the drop-down list, select the type of public holiday you wish to add:
  • Country
  • State/Province and then select the relevant state/s
  • Employment Condition and then select the relevant employment condition.
Date Enter the date on which the public holiday falls, or click on the Browse button to browse to the required date.
Starting Year Enter the year in which you want the Public Holiday to occur in the system.
Description Enter the name of the Public Holiday.

Employment Condition Holidays:

hr allows you to enter your own company based Employment Condition Holidays. These will be added to the relevant Employment Condition information, used in Leave Calculations and included in the Planner.

Entering or Editing an Employment Condition Holiday:

There are two ways to add Employment Condition holidays. You may use the instructions described in Entering or Editing a Public Holiday, or follow these steps:

  1. Go to Payroll | Payroll Framework | Employment Conditions.
  2. Click on the Public Holidays node.
    The calendar will open showing all the established State Holidays highlighted in green, National Holidays highlighted in yellow and any existing Employment Condition Holidays highlighted in blue.
  3. Click on the Add New button to add a new Employment Condition Holiday or click on the required Employment Condition Holiday to Edit it.
  4. Complete the following information as required:
Field Explanation
Holiday This area will not be active as you have already selected the Employment Condition.
Date Enter the date on which the Employment Condition holiday falls, or click on the Browse button to browse to the required date.
Starting Year Enter the year in which you want the Employment Condition Holiday to occur in the system.
Description Enter the name of the Employment Condition Holiday.


Note: Once set up, Public Holidays can be automatically applied to employees' pay.
See Adding Employees to the Payrun | Public Holidays Auto Apply for details.